I've been oozing easy confidence all day and made a couple of useful contacts, the next potential banana skin is the awards ceremony. In previous years I haven't had too much of a problem as being on my own I don't get drunk, I get bored half way into my 2nd glass of house red. The danger comes when someone takes me under their wing, then the taps turn on and before I know it I've gone though a bottle and we're still waiting for mains, then I can happily talk ITIL before gracefully sliding under the table.
So what will it be? Professional, sober and bored or relaxed, merry and happy?
On the basis that most of my esteemed colleagues sinking far greater quantities of food and booze than I can ever manage, I know what I should aim for is probably not what I'll manage. My only real aim is not to end up with a raging hangover tomorrow. I only hope I achieve it.
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